Thursday, April 4, 2013

   Okay so, not really a consistent blogger.... sorry!  Somehow feeding and caring for (and schooling)  a family of 7, along with a whole farm full of critters, planting and caring for a large garden and other misc. things all seem to take precedence.
  But, here I am.  You are not forgotten.
  So, what's going on down on the farm....
The goats are finished kidding, and the babies are growing well.  I took a trip over to Port Angeles with my good friend Julie and my sister Andrea to pick up a very lovely doe and her doeling from Lucky Star Farms (thank you, Don and Judi).  Julie and I went over to Rockin' CB Ranch just a couple days ago to pick up our two new herd sires (thank you Cindy!), who are also quite lovely.
  The house is over flowing with seedlings... we have moved the first round up to the greenhouse and have started another batch, also soon to move up to the greenhouse.  The addition on the greenhouse is complete, (actually 24' X20') the greenhouse is staying warmer at night with the end framed in.
  We have started planting in the garden, onion plants, the last three days, but soon it will be beets, swiss chard, spinach, radishes, sugar peas and more.... the Rhubarb is making a slow but steady seasonal appearance also.
  The Scotch Highland Cattle are looking roundish and pregnant, though the past couple years they"ve calved in June.  Can't wait to see the teddy bearish faces of all the babies!  We have an adorable little Red Hereford bottle baby calf that we purchased from a friend at church after her mom decided she didn't want her.  She's a lot of fun, and the girls are really enjoying bottle feeding her, and how friendly she is.
  The doe, Lexie, that I blogged about before, has made a nearly complete recovery, and is back out with the rest of the herd.  She will only ever produce on the one side...  she actually sloughed the other half during her recovery process.  But, her spirits are good, and she will hopefully go on to produce some nice offspring.
  The first batch of chicks from the incubator are fully feathered and nearly ready to leave the brooder.  The next batch is in good health and feathering out nicely, and there's another batch due in about a week.  We've got some buff laying duck eggs in there from a friend, also due in about a week; and also some Royal Palm and Narragonsett heritage breed turkey eggs.  I'm hoping to be able to put in some Guinea fowl eggs sometime soon.
  We started an addition (into the shop) during the winter, for a bedroom for the older girls....  our currently 1200 S.F. home is getting a bit snug for a family of 7.  It is on hold now, for our busy season, but hopefully we will be able to finish it this next winter.
  We are really hoping to be able get the barn up this year... Maybe we will hold an old fashioned barn raising! 
  Mark your Calenders.... the date for our annual farm campout is the second weekend in August!
  So, here it is.... the Quiche recipe I promised:
                                    Crustless Quiche for a crowd (or a well fed family of 7)
   You may use your favorite pie crust recipe, but for a gluten free version, simply ommit the pie crust, and grease the pie pans.
  Pre heat your oven to 325o.
                  This will make 3 - 4 pie pans of quiche (if you want to use pie crust you will need to
                   pre-cook it for 8 minutes or so at 450o).
                   1 lb. bulk Italian Sausage, or 1lb. sliced Bacon  (I prefer grass-fed, we have sausage made
                    with our home grown grass fed beef)
                  1 very large onion, chopped
                   Your choice of  1 lb. of sliced Mushrooms, 6 cups chopped fresh Spinach, or a large head
                     of Broccoli, chopped into small pieces and steamed lightly. (I love to use whatever fresh
                      greens we have in the garden right then)
                   3 Cups grated cheese, preferably Swiss, but mozzarella or even Cheddar or Colby
                    Jack will work (I enjoy making it with my homemade goat milk mozzarella).
                    10 Farm Fresh Eggs
                     1 Cup Half and Half (I sometimes use our goat milk fresh cream)
                     1 Cup Milk (I like to use our fresh goat milk)
                     1 teaspoon Real Salt or Celtic Sea Salt
If using bacon, cook it first in a large skillet, then put aside to cool and be crumbled, and use a couple Tbls. of the grease to cook the onions and veggies in.  Otherwise, use 2 or 3 Tbls. of butter in a large skillet, and lightly brown the onions, and the sausage.  When nearly done, add the greens, mushrooms, or broccoli, and mix all together.
  In the meantime, in a large bowl, whip the eggs, milk, half and half and salt together, then stir in the grated cheese.  Stir in the meat, onion veggie mixture, and bacon if it applies,mixing well.
   Scoop the egg mixture into the greased pie pans, taking care to get evenish portions of egg mixture and meat/veggie filling in each pie pan.  Bake in the preheated oven for 45 minutes or till a inserted tooth pick comes out clean.  Cool ten minutes before serving.
  This will freeze well for up to two months, just thaw, bake at 350o for 25 minutes, or till heated through, and serve. Or, eat right away.  It makes a good breakfast or dinner.  Tastes excellent served with fruit.
  Well, enjoy your quiche!  I know we will  :-)  Blessings to you all!